Derek Ling Consulting

Website Redesign


Derek Ling Consulting is led by Derek Ling, a career and leadership coach. Derek's mission is to help leaders and executives find their purpose in their careers and thrive. He is driven to help individuals develop vision that enables them to achieve their full potential.


When I first met Derek, his passion for helping people poured out of him. He is a talented speaker and has an amazing ability to capture a room or a virtual audience's attention. His knowledge and experience in the HR, tech, and biotech recruiting sectors is clear - but his website was not clear. His website felt dated and a bit vague. Some elements were not functioning properly and the readability was poor. Also, Derek's message was not coming through in his website.

I wanted to create a website for Derek that did not feel like a template and felt elevated to match his services. Derek wanted his site to feel modern, professional. and accessible.

I took a deep dive in understating Derek's clients and current services. We were able to understand that his users wanted to have a clear understanding of what Derek was offering as a career coach that differentiated from others. They also wanted a clear understanding of they would be getting and for what price.

We decided to create packages for Derek's services that had clear explanations of what he was offering. We created several different packages to serve different types of users. We put Derek's vision and passion front and center along with testimonials and FAQs.

Stylistically we moved towards creating card sections to keep information organized and help the scanner persona find what they were looking for easily. We were also able to add a blog and an events page so Derek could showcase his writing and webinar events.

The original website had inconsistent font sizing and readability issues. Some of the pages had large voids, broken formatting, and even a pop-up that appeared off screen.

The new website design focused on better accessibility, card style sections to improve information organization, and proper CTAs and guidance for the users.

The services section now displays services packages, pricing, and details clearly for the user. Testimonials and FAQs were added to help the user feel more confident and answer common questions about Derek's services.

Consistent design styling, spacing, and image placement helps elevate the new site.

The user's journey is placed at the forefront of the new website allowing the user to easily view all services offered, navigate the site properly, and offer Derek a proper home for his business.


The new Derek Ling Consulting website feels modern, organized, and fresh. Derek is extremely pleased with the new website. The services page and the landing page for Derek's events has generated new leads and has helped to close a number of leads that were in the consideration phase. Overall website traffic has doubled since its launch and the site continues to be a lead magnet in attracting new customers.